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C.I.R.C.L.E System of Success FAQs

+ What is the C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System document?

The C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System document provides a visual overview of the C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System and the three simple steps involved in achieving Diamond and beyond as an ASEA Associate.

It also explains when to use the Live It, Share It, Launch It and Empower training guides and lists why to use them. It contains images of the separate attachments (tools) relevant to the Launch It and Empower Training guides, making it easy to understand the entire system in one easy glance.

+ When do I use the C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System document?

The C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System document is used when introducing new Associates to the overall C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System and as a training tool when explaining an overview of the entire system to your ASEA team.

+ Can I order the C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System document separately?

No. The C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System document comes with the purchase of the Kotters entire training system.

Live It Guide FAQs

+ What is the Live It Guide?

The Live It Guide is a pique interest tool that provides an overview of ASEA products in the one booklet. It introduces people to looking at their health at the cellular level, it includes important product tips (do’s and don’ts), features ASEA athletes, lists the benefits of ASEA’s Loyalty Rewards Program and directs people to the appropriate websites to find out more about ASEA.

It also lays the foundation for people to discover more about sharing ASEA with others and it offers a way for Associates to follow up with their contacts, Preferred Customers and new Associates in a professional manner.

+ When do I use the Live It Guide?

Use the Live It Guide when connecting with others about ASEA. Leverage it as a tool to invite your contacts to discover more about ASEA and use it as a presentation whenever appropriate to do so.

+ What is the purpose of the health tracker on page 17 of the Live It Guide?

The health tracker (table) on page 17 of the Live It Guide encourages Associates to ask their Preferred Customers / new ASEA Associates to benchmark their current health and provides an opportunity for them to update their health tracker over a 3-week to 3-month period after experiencing ASEA products during this time frame.

It ensures Associates are following up with their Preferred Customers and new Associates in a professional and timely manner over a period of 3 months.

+ Why is it important for people to customize their cellular health plan on page 16 of the Live It Guide?

The cellular health plan on page 16 of the Live It Guide is designed for Associates to address the specific interests and needs of their contacts. For example, when talking with an athlete, or someone who enjoys staying physically active, they will likely prioritize EXERCISE over PROTECT YOUR SKIN (Self Care), which means Associates can make specific product enrollment pack recommendations and direct conversations around the benefits of ASEA, Renu 28 and ASEA VIA for athletes.

NOTE: Your contacts have a choice to prioritize their cellular health needs from 1 to 4 across RESTORE FUNCTION TO YOUR CELLS, PROVIDE NUTRIENTS TO YOUR CELLS, PROTECT YOUR SKIN (SELF CARE) and EXERCISE.

+ Can I order more than one copy of the LIVE IT Guide?

Yes, you can order a pack of 10 Live It Guides by simply clicking on the ORDER buttons featured throughout the Tools section at, filling in a few contact details and then placing your order after your login details have been confirmed by the Express Print and Mail.

Share It Guide FAQs

+ What is the Share It Guide?

The Share It Guide is designed to provide Associates with specific information on how to share ASEA as network marketing professionals from day 1 to day 14 and beyond.

It contains information on how to (C.) Connect with others about ASEA, how to (I.) Invite others to discover more about ASEA, what (R.) Resources to leverage / send to others and how to (C.) Close your contacts. It also contains information on the first five, out of the eight ways to earn an income with ASEA.

+ When do I use the Share It Guide?

The Share It Guide is designed to be used as a getting started tool with your new Associates and as a training tool when teaching from the topics and information contained throughout the entire booklet.

The Share It Guide is designed to be used from Day 1 to Month 1; during which time Associates are focused on taking immediate action based on mastering the skills specific to income generating activities when sharing ASEA with others.

+ Can I order more than one copy of the Share It Guide?

No, they cannot be ordered separately. (The Share It Guides come in each individual pack of the C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System).

Launch It Guide FAQs

+ What is the Launch It Guide?

The Launch It Guide provides Associates with a specific action plan and essential tools when launching / re-launching their ASEA business.

Associates choose from Plan A: Pay For Product, Plan B: Supplement Your Income and Plan C: Create an ASEA Lifestyle Income and a 30/60/90/120 Day Launch Plan to kickstart their ASEA business and achieve their gaols.

Launch tools are centred around tracking activity that is assigned a certain number of points each week (25, 50 or 75 points, depending upon an Associate’s chosen launch or re-launch plan) and forms the lynchpin of the entire Launch It Guide and C.I.R.C.L.E. Of Success System.

Tracking activity creates daily income producing habits, boosts certainty and self-confidence, is a fun and creative business building activity, creates a win/win environment that fosters personal fulfillment and builds on foundational principles towards rank advancing and future success.

The Launch It Guide also contains information on the sixth and seventh ways to get paid, out of the eight ways to earn an income with ASEA.

+ What is the purpose of the attachments in the Launch It Guide?

The Launch It Guide attachments, or tools, encourage Associates to track their incomes generating activities. (When tracking their actual activity, where they are spending their time, how they are progressing in the mastery of their business building skills and by examining the areas they are excelling in and also the areas they require further training in, it keeps Associates aligned with their ASEA goals highly motivated to achieve them).

Not only that, the Launch tools emphasize the importance of Associates celebrating their wins regularly, they build strong team loyalty and camaraderie and they help Associates to realize the many benefits of taking consistent and persistent daily action on what matters the most in the building of their ASEA business.

+ What is an Activity Tracker Group?

Implementing the tools in the Launch It Guide centers around forming an Activity Tracker Group or being an active participant in an Activity Tracker Group.

As the name suggests, an Activity Tracker Group, tracks [specific] activity. It features a group of between 15 -20 Associates who meet weekly via a webinar to celebrate their wins, review the accumulation of their points for the week and then set goals for the upcoming week based on their Activity Tracker (a document used for tracking the accumulation of weekly and daily points. See Activity Tracker tool). There is also a training segment on these webinars as well.

Speak to your Upline / Mentor about participating in a weekly Activity Tracker Group, or make the decision to start one yourself if you currently have a team of leaders who can join in and help facilitate these webinars.

+ Who do I contact if I would like to participate in an Activity Tracker Group?

Speak to your Upline ASEA Associate if you would like to participate in an Activity Tracker Group.

Launch It Guide Tools FAQs

+ What is the Director 300/700 Rank Planner and when do I use it?

The Director 300/700 Rank Planner is used when Associates set a goal to achieve ASEA’s Director 300, then 700 rank. It tracks volume, enrollments, projected (Autoship) volume and the active status of Associates weekly, until the achievement of their goal rank.

It is an essential planning and volume tracking tool that creates the foundational habits necessary when implementing the next rank planner, the Bronze – Platinum Rank & EMP Planner.

+ What is the Bronze – Platinum Rank & EMP Planner and when do I use it?

The Bronze – Platinum Rank & EMP Planner is designed to be used when Associates set a goal to achieve either the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Executive ranks. It tracks volume, enrollments, projected (Autoship) volume and the appropriate number of Director 300’s needed weekly until the achievement of their rank advancement goal.

It is an essential planning and duplication tool that perpetuates and expands on the habits necessary when implementing the Diamond/Double/Triple Rank Planner featured in the Empower Guide.

+ What is the Memory Jogger and when do I use it?

The Memory Jogger is as its name suggests, a list designed to jog an Associates memory based on the contacts that they either know or have come in contact with, with whom they may have forgotten.

Once remembered, these names are then added to an Associates Success Cycle List of Names document on a daily and weekly basis. (The idea is for Associates to add at least 2 names a day to their Success Cycle List of Names).

+ What is the Success Cycle List of Names?

The Success Cycle List of Names helps Associates to track the progress of their contacts through the C. (Connect) I. (Invite) R. (Resources) C. (Close) and L. (Launch) phases of the C.I.R.C.L.E. System.

It ensures contacts are not forgotten about, they are professionally followed up with and trained appropriately.

+ Can I order more than one copy of the Success Cycle List of Names?

Yes, you can order a pack of 10 Success Cycle List of Names.

+ What are the Success Cycle List of Names Extra Inserts?

The Success Cycle List of Names Extra Inserts provide a way for Associates to track their contacts from # 31 and beyond. (There are 30 names per extra insert).

+ Can I order more than one copy of the Success Cycle List of Names Extra Inserts?

Yes, you can order a pack of 10 Success Cycle List of Names Extra Inserts.

+ When do I use the Activity Tracker Points System?

The Activity Tracker Points System is used to understand how to accumulate points based on daily income generating and skill building activities relevant to each quadrant of the C.I.R.C.L.E. System.

Depending upon an Associates chosen plan; Plan A, [Pay For Product] Plan B, [Supplement Your Income] or Plan C, [Create an ASEA Lifestyle Income], weekly points range from a goal of 25 points to over 75 points.

Accumulated points are tabulated on the Activity Tracker.

+ What is the Activity Tracker and when do I use it?

The Activity Tracker is used either independently or when participating in an Activity Tracker Group. It tracks the accumulation of points scored daily and weekly for activities undertaken through the C.I.R.C.L.E System.

Each Activity Tracker sheet tracks the accumulation of daily and total activity points weekly that are then updated on the Activity Check-In document.

+ What is the Activity Check-In and when is it used?

The Activity Check-In document is used to summarize weekly activity points, to set goals for the following week, evaluate what is and isn’t working in the building of an Associates business.

It is one of three documents reviewed weekly with an Associates Action Partner / Mentor, in accordance with the timelines referenced in the Activity Check-In Outline document.

+ What is the Activity Check-In and when is it used?

The Activity Check-In Outline document contains a suggested 20-minute timeframe, or outline, on the content to review during an Associates weekly Action Partner / Mentor appointment.

It also lists the documents an Associate will review with their Action Partner / Mentor.

+ Why is a check-in appointment with a Mentor limited to only 20 minutes?

An Action Partner / Mentor check in is limited to 20 minutes because this is a manageable weekly time commitment that is also duplicable throughout an ASEA Associates business. (When appointments go well beyond this time frame staying consistent on a weekly basis might become compromised).

+ What is the Action Partner / Mentor document?

An Action Partner / Mentor document details an Associates commitment to their chosen plan; Plan A, [Pay For Product] Plan B, [Supplement Your Income] or Plan C, [Create an ASEA Lifestyle Income] and to their chosen 30/60/90/120 Launch Plan.

Along with an actual agreement that needs to be signed, by both the Mentor and the Mentee, so communication lines remain open, it clearly details availability times and how communication will be undertaken on a daily and weekly basis (text, phone call, email etc.)

+ Why do I need to use the Action Partner / Mentor document?

It is always easier for an Associate to have the boundaries clearly defined when working with an Action Partner / Mentor. It removes confusion and provides clear direction.

+ What is the difference between an Action Partner and a Mentor?

An Action Partner is another ASEA Associate participating in a Launch Plan/Activity Tracker Group. A Mentor is an Associate you look up to with whom you can update your Launch Plan progress with, however, they are not participants in an Activity Tracker Group or Launch Plan. (They will typically be a member of your Upline team).

Both an Action Partner and/or Mentor sign the agreement and participate in weekly updates.

+ Does my Upline sponsor need to be my Mentor?

No, your Upline sponsor does not need to be your Mentor. You can choose anyone you respect in a leadership capacity to be your mentor. (NOTE: An Empowered Mentor as referenced in the Empower Guide needs to be an Associate who is ranked at Platinum or above). (Refer to Empowered Mentor FAQ’s).

+ What documents are reviewed weekly during an Action Partner / Mentor check-in?

The Activity Tracker, Activity Check-In, Rank Planner and the Success Cycle List If Names is reviewed weekly during the Action Partner / Mentor check-in.

Empower Guide FAQs

+ What is the Empower Guide?

The Empower Guide provides Associates with a specific plan of action on how to reach the ASEA Diamond Executive ranks and how to coach Associates as Empowered Mentors in the process.

(NOTE: Rank advancing to Diamond and beyond is only possible when an Associates team [downline] rank advance. This is why using the tools attached to the Empower Guide are so important).

+ What are the tools Associated with the Empower Guide?

The tools associated with the Empower Guide start with the Diamond/Double/Triple Rank Planner, Empowered Mentor Self Evaluation, Empowered Mentor Check-In and the Empowered Mentor Solutions documents. (See the relevant FAQ’s for further details).

Empower Guide Tools FAQs

+ What is the Diamond/Double/Triple Rank Planner and when do I use it?

The Diamond/Double/Triple Rank Planner is used daily when Associates set a goal to achieve Diamond, Double Diamond or Triple Diamond Executive. It is an essential tool to track volume, enrollments, projected (Autoship) volume and the appropriate number of Director 300’s per rank needed weekly until the achievement of the rank advancement goal.

+ What is the Empowered Mentor Self-Evaluation?

The Empowered Mentor Self-Evaluation document provides an opportunity for Associates to rate themselves from a scale of 1 to ten (1 = low and 10 = high) when it comes to their current mentoring skills and abilities. (These ratings provide an insight into the areas Associates currently excel in, and the areas that require further focus and training).

An Empowered Mentor is a Platinum and above Associate. A Mentor, as introduced in the Launch It guide, can also serve as an Empowered Mentor if they are a Platinum and above Associate and they choose to participate in monthly check-ins with their Mentee.

(NOTE: If a Mentor is not a Platinum or above Associate, they are not an Empowered Mentor until they rank advance to Platinum).

+ Does a Mentor function differently to an Empowered Mentor?

Yes and No. A Mentor, as featured in the Launch It Guide, facilitates weekly Action Partner / Mentor sessions with a Mentee. They also agree to receive daily text messages / emails from their Mentee. This is where the commitment ends if the Mentor does not serve in the capacity of an Empowered Mentor.

If a Mentor also serves in the capacity as an Empowered Mentor for an Associate, they extend their commitment to meeting with their Mentee for another monthly check-in session that can range anywhere from one to two hours.

+ What is an Empowered Mentor?

An Empowered Mentor is a Platinum and above Associate who engages in monthly mentoring sessions according to the Empowered Mentor Check-In document.

A Mentor, as introduced in the Launch It guide, can also serve as an Empowered Mentor if they are a Platinum and above Associate and they choose to participate in monthly Check-Ins with their Mentee.

(NOTE: If a Mentor is not a Platinum or above Associate, they are not an Empowered Mentor until they rank advance to Platinum).

+ What is the Empowered Mentor Check-In document?

Similar to the Activity Check-In document featured in the Launch It Guide; the Empowered Mentor Check-In document raises the bar of accountability when it comes to a Mentor / Mentee check-in because it meets a more rigorous and intense standard.

+ Who uses the Empowered Mentor Check-In document?

The Empowered Mentor Check-In document is used by Associates [Key Leaders] who have set a goal to rank advance to Diamond Executive and who are serious in their commitment to reach their goals.

+ What is the difference between the Empowered Mentor Check-In document and the Activity Check-In document in the Launch It Guide?

The Empowered Mentor Check-In document meets a more rigorous standard than the Activity Check-In document that is featured in the Launch It Guide. (It is also reviewed with a Empowered Mentor monthly). The Activity Check-In document is central to an Associates participation in an Activity Tracker Group and it is reviewed weekly with their Mentor.

+ What documents are referenced and reviewed in the Empowered Mentor Check-In document?

The Empowered Mentor Check-In document tracks four weeks’ worth of data from the Activity Check-In, Diamond/Double/Triple Rank Planner and the Success Cycle List of Names documents.

+ What is the Empowered Mentor Check-In Solutions document?

The Empowered Mentor Check-In Solutions document helps to facilitate a productive empowered mentor, mentee coaching session by providing solutions to some of the more common challenges experienced by Associates.

Kotter ASEA Overview FAQs

+ What is the Kotter ASEA Overview and when do I use it?

The Kotter ASEA Overview document provides an overview of ASEA the company, ASEA’s technology, ASEA products, the network marketing business model, the ASEA Compensation Plan and how to get started as an ASEA Associate in 3 simple steps.

Use this document to pique interest by serving as an ASEA presentation at any time it is appropriate to do so.

+ Can I order more than one copy of the Kotters ASEA Overview document?

Yes, you can order the Kotters ASEA Overview document in packs of 10.